Powercom develops innovative solutions emerging as a new facet of power industry. It incorporates numerous advanced technologies to deal issues prevailing with conventional electric networks, capable to resolve many issues such as energy theft and ensure grid stability.

Micro Grid solutions

Micro Grid solutions

Empowering the Future of Renewable Energy Integration 

As the demand for renewable generation integration continues to grow, Powercom’s Smart Microgrid solutions are dedicated to meeting the new challenges of Microgrid management.

For consumer-generated energy production installations, Powercom’s smart metering platform offers reliable and cost-effective solutions for monitoring and controlling the micro-generation of renewables in real time.

Our smart meters accurately measure and transmit energy data, calculating both Import and Export of Active Energy (+A and -A) individually. With a dynamic controller, consumers can determine whether the energy produced by PV is used onsite or sold back to the grid.

With our comprehensive range of channels, customers have real-time visibility and access to energy production data through customer portals and mobile application.

Advantages of Powercom Smart Microgrid Solutions:

  • Maximize the proportion of renewable resources
  • Accelerate improvement in energy efficiency
  • Increase grid reliability and stability
  • Level the demand curve by reducing peak loads
  • Help consumers save money on energy bills
  • Generate additional revenue opportunities
  • Foster economic growth and sustainability
  • Futureproof the grid for evolving energy needs