Powercom develops innovative solutions emerging as a new facet of power industry. It incorporates numerous advanced technologies to deal issues prevailing with conventional electric networks, capable to resolve many issues such as energy theft and ensure grid stability.

Maintenance and Support

Maintenance and Support

Comprehensive, fast, and effective support

At Powercom, the customer service means a permanent support to the client and it also represents one of the main added values of our solutions. Our clients benefit also from the continuous evolution of our products during the after-sales phase of the projects.

Our clients must have innovative technology in place that supports business requirements, runs smoothly, and ensures users’ maximum effectiveness. Powercom’s Application Solutions address these objectives, from development, deployment, and integration, to optimization, management, hosting, and support.

Our goal is to resolve your issue and ensure maximize the benefits of our products, services, and solutions.

Whether you need technical support, enquire more information about or solutions or just have a question, you are always welcome to contact us.